Dorper & White Dorper Sheep

Dorper and White Dorper sheep are highly regarded for their ease of care and high production from low labour, health and feed inputs. They perform well across a range of regions and production systems. They have been proven in all the markets we have sent them including Indonesia, Russia, Vietnam and the Middle East.

Some examples of typical Australian Dorper and White Dorper sheep can be found in the images above.
For our Indonesian Customers: Domba Dorper

Jantan = Male = Ram
Betina = Female = Ewe

Ausidore provides all services with selection, preparation and delivery of quality Fullblood Dorper sheep. We can also provide support and fact sheets to assist with the process of import permits, quarantine and induction of your animals to their new environment to ensure long term success.

High Fertility and Good Mothers

Dorper sheep mature early and can be joined/mated all year round. While some breeds only cycle in one season each year, the Dorper ewes(female) can typically be mated from 8 months of age and lamb 3 times every 2 years.

They are excellent mothers and would usually produce and average of 150% lambing rate for each joining.

Easy Management

Dorpers thrive in all environments and production systems. Typically in Australia they will be grazed in large paddocks on a range of feed – often doing better on fibrous herbage than lush green grass or clover.

They are favoured over wool breeds, like merino, because they shed their fibre and have a clean skin – reducing the labour and management required for shearing and managing flystrike.